[s-cars] How many AAA ramp trucks does it take...

Peter Schulz pcschulz at comcast.net
Tue Oct 2 19:25:31 PDT 2007

Thanks Ian...
She & kids home safe, waiting for AAA to get the car home too..

Thank goodness for running  spare audis (check my sig. file ;-)


At 10:21 PM 10/2/2007 -0400, Ian Duff wrote:
>Kim need some local help?
>On 02 Oct, 2007, at 21:41, Peter Schulz wrote:
>>To tow my wife's S6 wagon with a broken tie rod????
>>I'm on travel, I get a call from the Mrs who asks if its ok to drive
>>the wagon < 1mile home with a broken passenger side front tie rod...
>>Of course I say "no".
>>She calls AAA, says that the car has a broken tie rod and needs a
>>ramp truck.
>>1st truck shows up, realizes quickly that the passenger front wheel
>>is stuffed in the wheel well and the car won't budge (evidently the
>>stuffed wheel means its also stuffed in gear or something like
>>driver calls AAA dispatch...
>>2nd ramp truck shows up.....
>>no dollies.
>>At least he drives the wife and kids home...
>>2 hours after the first call she's STILL awaiting the car (having
>>it sent home)
>>-Peter (who's wife's car ALWAYS has issues when I'm gone (last 3 cars
>>that she's driven!)
>>-Peter Schulz
>>Chelmsford Ma, USA
>>1995.5 S6 Avant Emerald/Ecru
>>1995.5 S6 Avant Silver/Platinum
>>1991 200 20v Q Avant Titan Grey (for sale)
>>1991 90 20v Q Red
>>1991 CQ silver  (eS2 recipient)
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