[s-cars] 925HP S2 web page

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Wed Oct 17 21:20:19 PDT 2007

Earlier, Taka Mizutani wrote:
> How much over stock is 40psi on a Cummins?

Stock is around 15 PSI.   :-)

Stock is 180 HP and 400 ft/lb, I think this is around 250 HP and 600 ft/lb.
Best torque is still between 1500 and about 2400 RPM.

The best part is with a very large slide in camper, at 55 MPH on 
a flat road I can get better than 15 MPG.  Loaded that way, the 
whole thing weighs over 12,000 lbs.


    - Charlie

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