[s-cars] suspension rebuild/Bilstein revalving

Aaron Ryba aaronryba at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 23 10:27:58 PDT 2007

I'm about to tear apart my crapped out original 95 S6 suspension and rebuild with H&R sports, Bilstein sports, ECS camber plates & all new bushings & hardware bits. Motor $ transmission mounts already done. I have read about the preferred Bilstein revalving to 10% stiffer compression and 30% stiffer rebound. My question is at an additional cost of $300 for revalving, is it worth it? My S6 is used as a short distance daily driver on good roads with the occasional weekend canyon carving getaway.

Can anyone suggest a good place to source the Bilsteins. So far I found them the cheapest at ECS for $475. From what I have read about revalving it seems like they rebuild the strut to the point that it may be worth it to source a used set of Bilstiens in good condition and just have them revalved. Anyone BTDT? Anyone have a set they want to get rid of? Turnaround time for the revalving?

Also, is the HRSB upgrade fairly easy to do as a add on at a later point or is it best to do while the rear susp is apart?

I have found alot of info on rebuilding the front suspension but not much on the rear. Does anyone have some helpful comments or at least point me in the right direction?
I do have the list for the entire suspension rebuild however some of the parts seem like they could be reused barring the ones that are required to be replaced that is.


Aaron Ryba
95 S6 141k

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