[s-cars] 6 speed?

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 10:19:38 PDT 2007

That is not totally correct-

In the OEM application UrS 6-speed manual for the AAN or ABY engine, 4th,
5th and 6th are spaced closer together and the top gear is the same as the
original 5-speed transmission's 5th gear.

If you install a turbodiesel 6-speed transmission, they have a taller 6th

To answer the OP, there can be several reasons to upgrade:
stronger 1st gear in some applications
closer gear ratios make it easier to stay in the powerband, esp. if you're
running a big turbo with a lot of lag
"cachet" of having a 6-speed
having a taller top gear if you get the right transmission

There are so many variants of transmission, with/without Procon-Ten "ears",
trans cooler, different ratios, slightly different mounts (depending on
whether or not you get the transmission from a V-8, C4 S4/S6 2.2 or 4.2, B5
S4, C5 A6, etc.).


On 9/24/07, chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Gear rations
> Gears 1st 2nd and 3rd are the same, 4th 5th are lower and 6th is higher
> than the 5 speed 5th is.
> Makes for nice power band and lowers ROM's when cruising on the
> highway.
> All the trans info is on this page.
> Chris
> http://www.elektro.com/~audi/01E/
> --- JR <audiurs4 at mailforce.net> wrote:
> > I'm obviously no transmission expert or I wouldn't be asking this,
> > but
> > what are the reasons that everyone wants to upgrade to a 6 speed
> > transmission?

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