[s-cars] Perron Fund is Closed for donations - you guys rock

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Fri Sep 28 09:46:18 PDT 2007


When the gang gets together, see if you can make a plan for 
helping Colleen -- someone to reach out to her, ask about things 
that need to get done (sky is the limit) and some dates that would 
work for her. Prioritization would be helpful.

Then we can get back together, select some of the projects that 
are most important/urgent to her that would be difficult to get 
done otherwise, and some dates.

We might also want to thing about big versus medium versus small 
projects based on the manpower available.

To that end, I have been on a men's team for the past 5 years, and 
I suspect that some of these men would love an excuse to drive a 
couple of hours to spend a day getting dirty, breaking down or 
building shit with their hands, play with power tools, hang out 
with other men, smoke a cigar or two and generally be useful. 
Could be 2, could be 20, depends on the project and how enrolling 
I can be...and how much warning I can provide (2-3 weeks would be 


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