[s-cars] LAF Weakend Wedding Limo (nac) - Pizzonuts

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Fri Apr 4 07:17:40 PDT 2008

Oscar Meyer had a first name:

<<<Folk's, With wedding season upon us, this looks like the limo to go
for: 70's decor, vinyl seats, orange shag me carpeting (pre stained.)
Options too numerous to list here including apparent pre hot wiring. Is
that a roll cage or holding the thing together?
Bill~reconsidering my definition of what IS straight line~M >>>


bahahahaa - that poor motor?  But...

...au Contraire...  that's quite *simply* not up to snuff for the
impending Pizzonuptials.  Joey's got taste, see.  Joey's got style, see.
Joey's got:


-Pau JNR K.

ps.  smell ya 5/17 BIATCH!!!  New Rochelle, beware.  Alice, beware!
That poorpoorpoorpoorPOOR girl... or, is "she"???

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