[s-cars] big reds still feel soft

Jerry Scott jerryscott at wispertel.net
Tue Apr 8 15:09:34 PDT 2008

I had this same thing happen after bleeding the stock brakes, but after a 
few days it seems to go away.  It must have been some air in the master 
cylinder that soon gets dumped to the reservoir.  Give it some time then 
report back.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "forrest bradshaw" <sola4est at yahoo.com>
To: "audifans" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 3:40 PM
Subject: [s-cars] big reds still feel soft

> had my big reds rebuilt cause they were sticking an dsoft.  replaced pads 
> with Hawk HPS and rotors and caliper brackets and bled the brakes, super 
> blue fluid is only 3 months old.  pedal feel is still soft, the brakes 
> feel lousy.   if I press it twice quickly the feel is much more firm and 
> the car stops  stronger
> not loosing any fluid that I can tell, what do I do from here?  and  also 
> these damn things still squeal like pigs at all times wether it hard or 
> soft braking:(
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