[s-cars] UrS4/S6 034 Motorsport Exhaust - anyone have/heard it?

tedebearp at yahoo.com tedebearp at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 14 21:23:39 PDT 2008

How much does the Stromung exhaust weigh?  How much does the stock exhaust weigh?  I haven't fixed the driveshaft CV joint yet and am thinking about whether it'd make sense to replace the exhaust at the same time.  Supposedly the stock exhaust is quite heavy.

Taka Mizutani wrote:
> I'd definitely vote for the Stromung system- nicely built, great sound, not
> obnoxiously loud. Gets better with every successive generation. I had the
> Gen 3 on my 200q20v and it was great.
> Not really any gains in terms of flow, but both my cats died and my mufflers
> were rusting out, so I needed a new exhaust system anyway.
> Hearing it WOT on the front straight at Watkins Glen was quite impressive.
> Jeff Posto is definitely the go to guy for this setup.
> Taka
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