[s-cars] Bilstein HD's

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Fri Apr 18 17:07:43 PDT 2008

Be careful running sports on an unlowered car. When I bought my S6, the PO
installed sports but kept the ride height stock. Since I anticipated
lowering it, I thought fine

Anyway, I was driving on an unfamiliar road a bit quickly when an unexpected
whoop-de-do caused by poor maintenance (not marked either) allowed my
suspension to go just about full droop topping the unexpected crest. Since
Sports are shorter than HD's, guess what? I topped out the shock.
A few days later, the front right sprung a leak. Before I could even order
that replacement, the other front sprung a leak. The rears were fine.

Moral of the story. Use the right shocks for the right springs.


On 4/18/08, Lee Levitt <lee at wheelman.com> wrote:
> Ron,
> Didja check shocks.com?
> Also, by the way, be sure that you don't want to lower the car. If
> you do, you'll have to replace the HDs with Sports.
> I ran Sports for a while before I lowered my car...
> Lee
> At 01:40 PM 4/18/2008, ron kirkham wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >Anybody find a good price on these recently?  I'm being lazy, there are
> just
> >so many sites out there to check!
> >
> >Thanks for any info.
> >
> >Trying to firm-up a 95.5 S6A.
> >
> >Ron
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