[s-cars] nac, e36 final edition
john cléirigh
john at johncleirigh.com
Sun Apr 20 22:25:02 PDT 2008
I'm at work in Colorado talking to my customers in Rhode Island. Why the
hell are any of us awake this late on Sunday night anyways? But this
email made it worth being awake. What a fun score Bill! Photos were
cool. Loved the "landing lights" moodiness of the trailer pix.
john cléirigh | Boulder, CO
On Mon, April 21, 2008 4:48 am, bill mahoney wrote:
>> 10 days ago Paul (I can drive anything and have) K mentioned the M3 sedan
>> that his buddy and sfest hoster Brian, had just acquired for sale. Today
>> it's sitting in my driveway... rebhadged as possibly the world's only M3,
>> Light Weight Wannabe Sedan. It is without a doubt, the cleanest, newest
>> looking 11 year old M3, five speed, sedan around, of that I am purdy durn
>> sure. It was said to be mintmintmint and it is.
>> Pic Flickr album link here. I hope it works.
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/70878776@N00/sets/72157604651318541
>> My Clueless Racing neighbor and his brother were very helpful in assisting
>> with Friday nites fedex delivery, especially since it was three hours late
>> and didn't arrive until 10:30. This allowed us ample time to finish off
>> three bottles of LaFinDuMonde in addition to some stuff with a black label
>> on it. Fortunately there were no mishaps and the fedex guy didn't listen
>> to
>> a word we said. BTW this was the biggest fedex truck on the planet.. 85
>> foot trailer and the cab was prolly another 30. Over a hundred feet of
>> fedex truck lights rebirthing an M3 sedan made it a night to live for.
>> I did the Motorsport flag install today in spite of it reminding the gal I
>> live with that I am out of my mind. Without the flag set the white car is
>> just a fridge IME. Front was relatively easy, but the rear was a
>> challenge
>> indeed. I would recommend this be tried by the faint of heart. I did get
>> better at it as work progressed. These flag sets as far as I could find,
>> are only made for the coupe, and so there was a lot of cutting and fitting
>> to do to fit it to the sedan.
>> The side Motosport door inserts were a piece of cake once I figured out
>> that
>> the molding just needed to be popped out to remove the old inserts that
>> merely said M3. ha!
>> I did have chance to drive this to the Cubs game yesterday and it is quick
>> and does handle very well. Very well. I "may" well consider the Dinan
>> supercharge down the road, but spending $7k all once alwaze brings better
>> ideas how to spend 7k on other stuff.
>> That's enough bimmer dribble.
>> I should be getting the remotored avant pig back this week I think;)
>> Bill~mail order car boy~M
>> ps special thanks once again to PK for helping me spend some dough ...
>> wisely butofcourse;)
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