[s-cars] Bose system pops with Alpine deck

john cléirigh john at johncleirigh.com
Wed Apr 30 17:30:15 PDT 2008

Indeed Calvin and Eric!  You're both right about my response.  I should
have offered my experience as a data point to suggest the remote amps are
registering the power-down as a thunk through the speakers and so any
aftermarket head unit with a non-filtered (non-balun'd) output will likely
also overload the front end of the amps.  Thanks.

I think the Alpine deck should feed the Bose amps from the RCA jacks and
not the speaker harness.  I'm sure that would eliminate the thunk because
the amps are looking for a line level input.
john cléirigh | Boulder

On Thu, May 1, 2008 12:11 am, Eric Phillips wrote:
>> The worn rotary switch and the amps popping or thumping are two
>> separate issues, IMO.
>> I, too, had the thumping on DeltaCC power-off (only with rotary knob -
>> the ignition wasn't in the circuit.)
>> Then I put in my Traffic Pro, and lo and behold - same problem on
>> powerdown.  OK, so then I put a device in-line - a speaker -> line out
>> converter.  No more popping.  :)
>> I am very happy with the way it all turned out.  I would have
>> preferred to stick with Audi stuff - like a Concert I as the head unit
>> - to avoid all the electrical gymnastics it took to make the Traffic
>> Pro work.
>> Eric
>>> Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 08:39:37 -0600
>>> From: <calvinlc at earthlink.net>
>>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Bose system pops with Alpine deck
>>> John,
>>> I don't think the Alpine popping, at leasy in my case, has anything to
>>> do
>>> with worn out contacts, since it has done it since day 1 of install.  I
>>> think the fact that the stock radio does thunk sometimes is a good
>>> indicator
>>> that the input circuits to the amplifiers have no filtering on them to
>>> avoid
>>> this kind of issue.
>>> >  I think this is a sign of worn out contacts in the rotary switch.  My
>>> > early UrS narrow Bose head unit thunks occasionally when powering off
>>> and
>>> > the first two detents above off have no volume anymore.  It switches
>>> between
>>> > sources silently tho, even with the ipod wired into the silver box.
>>> In fact
>>> > it stays pretty quiet even when unplugging the iPod with CD selected.
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