[s-cars] Bentley CD

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Sun Aug 24 17:36:45 PDT 2008

Call them. My hard drive died, they fixed my licensing so I was able  
to reinstall on the replacement hard drive.

One thing to note, their licensing system is about the stupidest  
system I've ever experienced. Remember WHERE you do the online  
activation, as the key you use is dependent on some stupid location  
information. I licensed my Bentleys, then decided to reinstall Vista,  
so I dutifully deactivated the keys, and went online to notify their  
license management system that I had deactivated my content. It  
indicated the deactivation codes were invalid. WTF? Trying to do the  
right thing, and hosed by software licensing stupidity. I got them on  
the horn, and the guy on the other end of the phone was apologetic,  
and fixed stuff for me, but what a rectal exam.


-Ian Duff.

On 23 Aug, 2008, at 11:08, Jerry Scott wrote:

> Need help. Since I had to replace my hard drive, I no longer have  
> the Bentley manuals.  What's the procedure for getting the CD  
> reactivated to load it again?
> Jerry
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