[s-cars] //SFest decompression

davekase at pdqlocks.com davekase at pdqlocks.com
Mon Aug 25 13:13:06 PDT 2008

sweet...thanks for the debrief.

My German rental does 195...(think Joe Walsh)

In das homeland ringing the guts out of my MB C-class diesel wagon...

> Well...  the realities of another workday Monday have returned after
> manymanymany hours of //Festing in complete total utter perfection - YEAH!
>  While the stories will soon fly and the official event recap follows, the
> pictures are starting to stream in.
> Please give us a few daze to publish the *OFFICIAL* event pictures from
> Dan McBoost, once he finishes applying his voodoo to them.  He and his
> fully staffed photography / videography / nearpornography crew were there
> capturing all of it - I cannot wait to share with everyone the sights and
> sounds of //SFest.  The video scene following me bringing der 930 home
> yest. was allegedly JNR, and our Million Horsepower Salute to Bill should
> prove to be particularly memorable - it was <<<quite>>> moving during...
> Until then, thank Markslut Besso for these gems:
> http://5000tq.com/audifanspics/S-Fest-2008?page=1
> SO great to see SO many of you coolass doodz 'n dudz once again.
> ___Nothing___ like it.
> Those who have //Fested...  know.
> -Paul decompression continues K.
> ps.  don't wait run out NOW and go buy a f'n Elise!!!
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