No subject

Tue Aug 26 18:50:57 PDT 2008

e I and II
1.1 Name. The name of the organization shall be the Audi Club of North Ameri=
ca Rocky
Mountain Chapter, Inc (the Club). The registered office of this organization=
 shall be located and
the records of this organization shall be kept at such place as shall be det=
ermined from time to
time by the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE II. Powers and Purpose.
2.1 Powers. This organization is organized exclusively as a not-for-profit o=
under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code."


"Audi Club of North America Rocky Mountain Chapter, Inc."

"Name Availability Search Result
Requested Name:=C2=A0 Audi Club of North America Rocky Mountain Chapter, Inc=
The name is available."

Say what?=C2=A0 This appears to be a violation of RMC's own bylaws!

"...Should any Chapter violate the conditions of the =E2=80=9CApplication fo=
Inclusion=E2=80=9D or regulations of the Internal Revenue Service as applied=
501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organizations, Chapter revocation is
immediate as to the date of the violation.=C2=A0 The revocation for
violations of provisions and rules promulgated by the Internal Revenue
Service is not subject to appeal.=C2=A0 For purposes of this section actions
of an individual member(s) of a Chapter shall be deemed to be an action
of the Chapter.=C2=A0 Revocation of a Chapter charter will not affect the
membership status of the Chapter members. Such members may form a new
Chapter and apply for inclusion or join other Chapters."

 Now, I'm sure I have all this wrong, and the RMC BOD Secretary can easily c=
lear up the apparent document error on the CO Secretary of State website.=
=C2=A0 Both Peter Coulter and I tried a myriad of Advanced Searches on the C=
O SOS website, and found nothing confirming that RMC was a registered entity=
 in CO, nor the bigger problem, a Registered 501C3 Entity.

With Mr. Wyte's assurances of 'all is rosy', the abov
e appears to document that is not really so?=C2=A0 Mr. Wyte?


-----Original Message-----
From: dgraber460 at
To: docwyte at; pcschulz at
Cc: s-car-list at
Sent: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 7:49 pm
Subject: Re: [s-cars] My reply to Peter

Doc & Listers;
I have only met you once and therefore cannot (and wouldn't even if I could=20=
this public forum) speak to your honesty, integrity, or character, but this=20
"response" is _very_ frustrating. You "might" sit down sometime?if the BoD d=
xyz etc etc.???
Correct me if I'm wrong but what I see in that post is still no answers, and=
commitment (no specified place or time) to provide same.
I would _truly_ like to have some "car club fun" as well, but the apparently=
fatally fractured RMC doesn't appear to be on any course for that to happen=20=
time soon.
No need to respond to me, as I'm moving on.
Truly unfortunate, and hugely disappointing!

Dennis Graber
Denver, CO

-----Original Message-----
From: docwyte at
To: Peter Schulz <pcschulz at>
Cc: s-car-list at
Sent: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 5:17 pm
Subject: [s-cars] My reply to Peter


I'll respond to your post as you seem to be logical and above the juvenile=20
antics of others.=20

There are complicating factors beyond just sitting down with a few people, o=
of which I want to wait to see if the entire BoD wants to do another member=20
meeting like we did past November. If that doesn't happen
, then I'll happily=20
take an afternoon on a weekend to discuss the things that I can to anyone wh=
o is=20


Like everyone else, I have a life, that entails just what it does for everyo=
else. I serve as a volunteer on the RMC board and have been putting in a=20
significant amount of time (as have all the other BoD's) answering false cla=
and dealing with a highly politicized situation within the ACNA.=20

It seems that we're finally moving past that and will be able to spend our t=
and energy where it should be placed, which is doing things car clubs should=
doing, which is having fun. What we've been dealing with for the past 2 year=
hasn't been fun.=20

This will be my sole reply on this matter.=20

----- Original Message -----=20
From: "Peter Schulz" <pcschulz at>=20
To: docwyte at
Cc: s-car-list at
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 6:35:12 AM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain=20
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Scott J's nonsense with the RMC=20

Dr. Wyte.=20

Glad to see that you have your priorities in order.=20

Perhaps time for reflection and to make the decision that you are=20
spread to thin to effectively represent your chapter?=20

" When I'm done taking care of my private practice, patients, family,=20
service to my country, and duties on the RMC board, I'll set a time=20
to talk with the membership"=20

This is an overarching issue with much of the ACNA - there seems to=20
be a general loss of the understanding that they are
 ELECTED and=20
REPRESENT the membership...=20
i.e. its not about YOU it's about THEM.=20

If you don't have time to represent the interests of your chapter, as=20
opposed to your own agenda, then DON'T.=20
I came to that conclusion two years ago myself and that's why I=20

didn't seek re election as a director in my ACNA chapter.=20

This type of continued activity at the chapter and national level is=20
exactly what prevents alot of very experienced, passionate, caring=20
(ACNA or the quattro club didn't keep me as a sustained Audi owner,.=20
the online communities did) people from joining the ACNA, is=20
undermining the overall club mission, and will ultimately be it's undoing.=20

and unlike your supporters on AW, I'll actually use my name in responding...=

-Peter Schulz=20

At 02:04 AM 2/13/2009 +0000, docwyte at wrote:=20
>It appears that since I've been ignoring Scott's jibes and assaults=20
>to my personal email account and AudiWorld that he has to come on=20
>this list to crow about his "success".=20
>Scott, I'm ignoring you on purpose. Your claims are baseless and=20
>don't demand my attention. I have better things to do with my time=20
>than waste it on you.=20
>Surprisingly, I do have a life outside of defending myself from your=20
>attacks. When I'm done taking care of my private practice, patients,=20
>family, service to my country, and duties on the RMC board, I'll set=20
>a time to talk with the membership. The RMC BoD has been talking=20
>about sitting down with
 all the members as we did last November to=20
>answer questions. Not to worry, RMC will come out rosy.=20
>S-CAR-List mailing list=20
>S-CAR-List at

-Peter Schulz=20
Chelmsford Ma, USA=20

1995.5 S6 Avant Emerald/Ecru=20
1995.5 S6 Avant Silver/Platinum=20
1991 90 20v Q Red=20
1991 CQ silver (eS2 recipient)=20

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