[s-cars] possible marketplace scam

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Sat Dec 6 20:25:15 PST 2008

Hi Dave,

You could have spoken up and expressed this confidence in Charles  
Lloyd when I asked and no
one else would vouch for him.  In fact, those half-dozen who did have  
dealings with Charles Lloyd
had nothing favorable to say about his timely fulfillment of purchases  
or communication with them
after payment.  The common thread was the part arrived after three  
weeks, with total inability to
contact him during that period, but the part was as advertised.

Charles Lloyd's method of "contacting me" was to answer the phone 12  
days after I payed him.
Sure, there were weekends and holidays in there, but it is only common  
courtesy to alert a buyer
of a delay or just put a message on the answering machine if something  
comes up.    You don't
have to be a perfect seller in the marketplace, but you can make a  
little effort.

No one gets mad at Weldo when he is late, because he either says I'm  
doing the best I can, or he
has friends and acquaintances that speak up for him to say, "he got  
drunk last night and is still in
bed".  : > )

No one on this list, with all the URS vehicles in the area, and him  
selling parts from two vehicles
for the last 6 months, said a single word about personally knowing  
Charles Lloyd, his vehicles,
his residence, or his whereabouts.  Ok, Mr Lloyd wants an arms-length  
relationship with the
internet and maybe the general populace for whatever reasons; that's  
his business.  But, that
doesn't create that atmosphere of mutual trust necessary to conduct  
transactions on the internet.
If you don't do your part, look forward to being called out.

Charles Lloyd shipped the package on the day I called him and the part  
was satisfactory.


On Dec 4, 2008, at 12:33 AM, David Forgie wrote:

> Tom:  How are you making out with Charles Lloyd?  I alerted Mr.  
> Lloyd to your concerns and he
> indicated to me that he had contacted you and the issue was going to  
> be resolved.  Did he make
> good?  I am quite confident that he would/will.
> Dave F.

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