[s-cars] Intervention needed

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Wed Dec 10 05:01:46 PST 2008

Anybody know the Sangers from Idaho?

*Mrs.* Sanger wrote to the Wall Street Journal today (Me & My Car 
column) stating that "it's about time we replaced our 1995 Audi 
AWD S6."

*Our* S6. Yea right. Poor Mr. Sanger doesn't know his head is on 
the chopping block and she's got him lined up for a Ford Fusion.

I think it's time for a road trip to Idaho...we need to nip this 
in the bud before Mr. Sanger loses what's left of his manhood.

"Yes dear, I'd be very happy driving around in that."

Um, no.


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