[s-cars] '95 S6 no start - pics

Dave Kase desmo888 at comcast.net
Wed Dec 31 17:02:27 PST 2008

Thanks for the tips Vincent.  My bitch will be dropped off Friday - 
watch for updates.


Vincent Frégeac wrote:
> Dave,
> I sold the S-Bitch, engine most probably FUBAR, rust (more), dog ear trims
> (more), mileage (more) for almost twice that price. And while I was
> pondering if I would sell it as a whole or piece by piece, I got (in 1 week)
> more than twice that price in offers for parts. So, definitely, go for it.
> BTW, a little trick: try to start it on ether (usually sold as "Easy
> Start"). Just spray some in the turbo to intake manifold hose (on the air
> filter works also but access is not as easy and it takes quiet a while to
> reach the engine because of the turbo/intercooler and all the hoses in
> between). If it sputters but doesn't start or runs on less than 5 cylinders,
> most probably ignition (POSs, coils). If it doesn't even sputter, probably
> the crankshaft position sensor or even ECU although previous symptoms would
> have been different (like no start when hot). If it starts, run for 1-2
> seconds then stop, most probably fuel problem.
> Just don't try it too often, ether is kind of hard on the engine (and brain
> cells too), but it helps narrowing down a no start problem with very little
> work. Note that I used "most probably" everywhere; ether "diagnosis" is not
> an exact science.
> Vincent
> P.S.: The car's missing a few billion bugs on the hood to be really a
> "Fregeac patented S-Bitch hood" (TM pending).
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] De la part de pkrasusky at ups.com
> Envoyé : 29 décembre 2008 09:05
> À : s-car-list at audifans.com; desmo888 at comcast.net
> Objet : Re: [s-cars] '95 S6 no start - pics
> Senior Cheese'd:
> <<<Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 18:47:28 -0500
> From: Dave Kase <desmo888 at comcast.net>
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] '95 S6 no start - pics
> the pictures....   http://picasaweb.google.com/audicqturbo/95_S6>>>
> Cheese-
> Least the pix are finally up, they no worky over the weakend.  I was gonna
> reply today that you suck at teh intar web but you dodged the bullet.
> Sweet, you're sporting the patented Fregeac "S-Bitch" hood - awesome!
> Beotchin stripe dood!
> Kidding aside, for 1200 beans that's a helluva score.  Heck the tires look
> like the prolly cost 1/2 that.  It looks pretty clean and straight, dog
> eared door trim aside.
> If you start with / test the usual suspects others have mentioned, I'll add
> maybe a sheared crank pulley woodruf key.  That can hide on you and be a
> real stumper.  Tho that one may be unlikely due to the previous low rpm buck
> the PO reported.  Could very well be the fuel pump - easy enough to test
> (even for you).
> Good luck.
> New jobby huh?  My best to you on that one, hope it all works out for you.
> I'll be on the (not forced) hunt too come Fri. likely.
> -Paul
> ps.  FU!
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