[s-cars] Subject: Anyone have an OEM Ronal-made 5-star

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Fri Feb 1 07:27:12 PST 2008

Ian clarified for John newcomer (not John Newcomer - that was pretty

<<<Message: 6
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 08:20:07 -0500
From: Ian Duff <iduff at comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Subject: Anyone have an OEM Ronal-made 5-star

You can rest assured that virtually ever post from a long-time member  
of this forum is laced with chain-yanking, as well as some buried  
gems. I have to say, this is one of the lowest noise forums in which I  
have the pleasure of participating that I've ever seen. And when noise  
comes along, it's invariably entertaining, rather than flames.
-Ian Duff.

On 31 Jan, 2008, at 17:05, john cl?irigh wrote:

> I'm still just barely getting to know all of you through your posts,  
> and
> I'm hardly able to claim at this early date that I can discern when
> y'all are yanking each other's chains.  That said, I do appreciate
> learning that a specific wheel is an Avus or a Speedline or a Ronal  
> or a
> Fuchs.  Being the newest of the new here, I took Dave's note to be  
> more
> informative than smug (tho it's obvious that Dave has cataloged way  
> more
> info about these cars than I will ever learn, much less remember).
> john
> 95.0 S6
> boulder>>>

Heh, sorry John - what Ian said is nail / head.  You wouldn't have noted
any nuance in my post as their wasn't any - it was facts unfort. the
rest of the List didn't have the benefit of all the info.  Some of us
are dumb enough / feel compelled to open our mouths about things, some
just sit back and eat popcorn and laugh, and... some are at the butt

Hang here long enough and it should become quite self evident.  The
community is quite tight, and *GREAT* - for the most part.

Sorry to bore you, but like Ian said - some of you sictwistedbastids
enjoy it.  8-)

-Paul you be the judge K. 

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