[s-cars] Jack (not Daniels)

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Feb 5 06:32:22 PST 2008

Bob oldfart'd:

<<<Message: 10
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2008 16:35:07 -0500
From: Robert Myers <bob at chips-ur-s.com>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Jack

> Ya see there's this old retired fart I know who is getting weak of 
> both mind and body and today while I, er.. he, was changing some 
> wheels I, er... he, had an idea.  I betcha, he says, that there are 
> some small air powered jacks available for use in a small home 
> garage.  Does anyone have a recommendation for me, uh, 
> him?  Something fairly small and lightweight and, preferably, 
> inexpensive - say maybe $50 - $60-ish, at least under $100?>>>


We kicked this around some last month on AWD2:


The answer before and after my ^post^ should lead you in the right
direction, $190 be damned - it's worth the extra clam or 90.  And the
post has the added benefit of demonstrating PollockPollan's "genius" -
sorry Mark (insert:  "nonono, go past this part go past this part - in

Shame I just yest. deleted my ghettofab 'lean' action cell-shot I took
of said comedy.  I *really* am considering this, watching the CashMoney
Homies lift my Whip with less air than their just-prior bonghit-exhale
had me giggling.  The hot pink was just the icing on the cake.

I may go this route down the road someday but I'm really more intrigued
investigating my LIFT options for my recently sheetrocked 12' ceiling'd
24'x24' garage.  Dunno, we'll see.  'Tis tempting.  Once Rossato's
sufficiently brushed up on his 930 knowledge relief will only be a phone
call away, you see - always thinking of my friends comfort, kinda guy I
am...  8-).

For now, I'm still using my Crapsman 1,000,000,000,000 year old
1,000,000,000,000 pound floorjack.  Knock woodrow, she's never let me
down...  just the car - oh I'm horrible heh heh.  Literally, we got it
for my dad in like 1985 or so.  Gotta love it.  It's a beoch though,
Alumibitch is lower than me UrS and I have to really strain mesself to
lift the fender lip to raise the car up the C-Hair (red head'd) the jack
needs to clear.  I know I know time to drive it up on some lumber.  And
I wonder how me back is f'd...

Good luck, HTH - or something and stuff.  I think.  And things.


ps.  I don't bother with Jack nomore - why when you've got Jake Donalds!
OK, it's Evan Williams but who cares it's the same stuff same bottle 1/2
the price muwhahahahaa...  uh...  sorry.

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