[s-cars] Chicagoland track advice?

john cléirigh john at johncleirigh.com
Sat Feb 9 14:52:22 PST 2008

My buddy in Brooklyn and I are scheming a summertime 
boondoggle..."S-cars meet in the middle" kinda thing.  St. Louis is dead 
center, but yawn.  We're thinking about Chicago.  The Chicagoland 
Speedway has no open track day nor a road course.  Anyone have a 
recommendation for a circle track or road course between Brooklyn and 
Boulder?  A big city with some culture would be ideal, as I need a 
dialysis clinic nearby and good eats is important, but an hour or two 
into the 'burbs wouldn't be out of the question.

Is there a Chicago Audi club?

95 S6

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