[s-cars] Frozen snowball from hell I damn you!

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 14:24:57 PST 2008

Sounds like an opportunity to go for that Lltek Valence....

Sorry to hear of the damage.

On 2/11/08, chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Gentz,
> Backed into our driveway in -2 degree temps this morning, managed to
> hit a chunk of frozen snow the size of a large fist.
> Unfortunately I hadn't reinstalled the belly pan, the devil dog snow
> ball hooked the edge of the bumper cover and SMASH!
> Bumper cover is split in two on the bottom and cracked at each of the
> corners where the bumper grilles reside.
> Good news is the insurance company says it isn't an "at fault"
> accident.
> Bad news is I have $250 deductible to pay.
> Lesson leared? Re-install your belly pan!
> Chris
> Wondering how colorfully Pauliee could have told the story....
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