[s-cars] OZ Superleggera 8X18 wanted

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Tue Feb 12 20:29:10 PST 2008

They pop up on audizine every so often. Wish I'd see a 17x8 
anthracite OZ tho...I've got two sets on cars and a spare for 
each, feeling pretty exposed!


On Tue Feb 12 20:32:16 CST 2008, forrest bradshaw 
<sola4est at yahoo.com> wrote:

> John
>   you lucky man you, should not have a problem finding that 
> wheel, ebay even they pop up every so often.  I have the 18" SL 
> in anthracite with a 32 offset, no luck ever finding replacement 
> rim for these god forsake there happens to be a problem
> 4
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