[s-cars] Clutch Master Replaced, difficulty shifting into 1st & 2nd gear now... thoughts?

James Murray james.murray at ericsson.com
Mon Feb 25 08:38:36 PST 2008

Hi Guys,
I had my Clutch Master replaced, the pedal went straight to the floor,
got the car back from the dealer (wait before you flame me, I'll explain
below) and now it's difficult to shift into 1st & 2nd gear? any

While driving on the bridge the pedal went straight to the floor and I
was stranded and had to be towed, I was too far out to have the car
towed to a garage that I knew, and I was leaving on a trip so I had no
timje to do it myself, so I needed the car back ASAP... so in haste I
had it towed to the dealer. Well I was quoted $1600 to $3200 for the fix
(they wanted to change everything possible), I asked that only the
Clutch Master be changed (the clutch was already changed 62K miles ago),
but now it's very difficult to shift into 1st & 2nd gear...but the other
gears are okay? what could have happened?

Any thoughts? I'm afraid the dealer will claim there are other issues
that need to be fixed, "we did only as you asked" :-( 

Could the shifter linkage be out of alignement? or is there an
adjustment for the Clutch Master (not engaging fully)
Cheers, /Jamu.

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