[s-cars] 1.8 Coil Conversion Kit & P/S Pump ... best sources?

Lewis Consulting lewisconsulting at sasktel.net
Thu Jan 10 18:15:31 PST 2008

Hi Guys,
The time has come to replace a coil, so I am thinking of the coil conversion kit from Apikol ...
stock coils in my city are $336.00 each, yeah I know, ridiculous and I can find them much cheaper
elsewhere, but I am thinking of getting rid of the old ones once and for all.  My question, is this
the best conversion kit I should be looking at or is there another that is out there?   I can't seem
to find another kit, but I thought there was another.  I also need a power steering pump, my local
stealer wants over $800.00, have found several Z/F at $400 and a Cardone at $250.00 .... anyone have
any experience with the Cardone?
thks guys, 

Randy  96//S6



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