[s-cars] O2 sensor replacement

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Sun Jan 20 10:52:43 PST 2008

The two white wires are interchangeable, Floyd.  Just attach white to  
white, black to black.  Don't over-analyze this at the kitchen table,  
just go do it.  :-)
You are not going to mess anything up, just don't let your wife  
help.  :-)


On Jan 20, 2008, at 12:57 PM, Floyd Noel wrote:

> On the sensor, there is one black and two white wires. Are they  
> interchangeable? I plan on splicing them up correctly, but will  
> there be consequences if I don't?
> R/S
> Floyd Noel
> Sgt/USMC
> http://www.ronpauliswrong.com
> On Jan 20, 2008, at 9:18, Tom Green <trgreen at comcast.net> wrote:
>> That's some real confidence your supervisor is showing.  One of  
>> the sensor wrenches the flaps sell is probably a good idea.  The  
>> 24mm (I think) is not in most
>> wrench sets so it's probably cheaper than buying a wrench of the  
>> desired quality.  The sets from India sold at Pep Boys will do  
>> more damage than they help.
>> The O2 sensor wrench can be used on the strut insert (front shock)  
>> nut and allen socket.  The 19, 22, 24, and 27mm wrenches or  
>> sockets are needed elsewhere
>> on the car, but  that is mainly suspension and driveline repairs.
>> This is an easy job (provided the old sensor comes out without  
>> having to use deadly force) and hopefully one that will show  
>> dramatic improvement in mileage and performance.
>> Tom
>> On Jan 20, 2008, at 11:29 AM, Floyd Noel wrote:
>>> Thanks for all the tips! I bought the 13913 sensor at FLAPS a  
>>> couple of days ago. I was wondering about the O2 wrench, so now  
>>> that I know I'll go get one of those. Wouldn't have thought to  
>>> stagger the splices, either, so thanks for that. My wife asked me  
>>> if I was going to get blown up doing this, so let's hope it goes  
>>> well!
>>> R/S
>>> Floyd Noel
>>> Sgt/USMC
>>> On Jan 20, 2008, at 8:07, Tom Green <trgreen at comcast.net> wrote:
>>>> You mean something that is not in this FAQ list, Floyd, since I  
>>>> know you have
>>>> this FAQ as a reference already?  :-)
>>>> Yes, there is, actually.  That 13913 splice in sensor number  
>>>> comes from the
>>>> 12v web site for the V6 Audis. Some of the online suppliers even  
>>>> include
>>>> butt splices in the box, although you want to use the smallest  
>>>> splices you
>>>> can (18-22ga) and shrink wrap the staggered splices so you can  
>>>> reuse the
>>>> original heat protection.  You can use uninsulated butt  
>>>> connectors since
>>>> you are shrink wrapping them, making them as small as possible.
>>>> The Bosch 13019 in addition to the Bosch 13957 are direct plug  
>>>> in for the
>>>> URS4/6.  Leave the plastic cap on until you have it in place to  
>>>> install.  No,
>>>> don't even take it off to look at it, and make sure you don't  
>>>> get anything on
>>>> it when installing.
>>>> My spliced sensor didn't last as long as the OEM.  Maybe I am  
>>>> just not a
>>>> good splicer.
>>>> Tom
>>>>> Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 18:54:33 -0800 (PST)
>>>>> From: chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] O2 sensor replacement
>>>>> To: Floyd Noel <floyd.noel at gmail.com>, Scar <s-car- 
>>>>> list at audifans.com>
>>>>> Message-ID: <867201.32201.qm at web60522.mail.yahoo.com>
>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>>>>> Floyd,
>>>>> the info you want is here:
>>>>> http://forums.audiworld.com/s4s6/msgs/176059.phtml
>>>>> HTH
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> --- Floyd Noel <floyd.noel at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Finally ready to replace my old O2 sensor and I was just  
>>>>>> wondering if
>>>>>> there was anything special I should know about. TIA
>>>>>> R/S
>>>>>> Floyd Noel
>>>>>> Sgt/USMC

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