[s-cars] 95 S6 drivers side rear lights out

Jerry Scott jerryscott at wispertel.net
Wed Jan 30 17:25:31 PST 2008

This is very likely the wiring at the hinge of the trunk. Many cycles of 
opening the trunk, eventually will start breaking wires. The fix is to cut 
open the harness and solder in new wires.  It's a pain, but will likely fix 
the problem until it happens again after another 100k miles.  This has 
always been a problem with Audis.  There may be a wire that someone can 
recommend that will take many bending cycles.  See if anyone has a 
replacement wire to recommend.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Barry, Richard J (Richard)" <richard.barry at verizonbusiness.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 5:40 PM
Subject: [s-cars] 95 S6 drivers side rear lights out

> I've replaced the bulbs and checked the fuse panel and still the lights
> won't work and the bulb out indicator shows on the dash. Any suggested
> fixes?
> Thanks.
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