[s-cars] When good Dads go bad (and blow your motor)

Joshua van Tol josh at spiny.com
Tue Jul 8 08:51:08 PDT 2008

I agree with Tom.

If the engine actually quit running due to overheating, at a minimum  
the pistons and rings are toast. In order to quit running, it either  
had to lose compression, or the pistons had to grow enough to get  
stuck in the bores. Either way, the engine is toast, and will need a  
complete rebuild. It's fairly likely as well that the head is damaged  
beyond repair.

On Jul 7, 2008, at 7:09 PM, Tom Green wrote:

> I think Dave is putting you on the right track, but I think he is too
> optimistic here.
> When you suffer extreme meltdown as it appears happened in this case,
> there
> are always unforeseen issues that appear later, i.e., lower end
> bearing damage,
> piston damage, oil passage clogging, especially from coking at the
> turbo, and
> the myriad of cooling and oil hoses overheated from the episode that
> won't show
> immediate damage but can fail catastrophically causing the same
> problem you
> just fixed.  Or, you are left with little things always going wrong,
> and some times
> you just can't seem to find the source of the problem.
> My choice would be #1 replace car.  If that is not appealing, then #2
> is replace
> engine and all accessories attached to it except a/c.
> Tom
>> Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 16:03:20 -0400
>> From: "brian hoeft" <qweblog at gmail.com>
>> Subject: [s-cars] When good Dads go bad (and blow your motor)
>> To: liSt <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>> Message-ID:
>> 	<f6c947d20807071303p45567d8cg41071f4eb2c78cab at mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>> So I left my car at my families house since Im doing a 1JZ('91
>> Supra) swap
>> for a friend of my dad. He(my dad) claims to have needed to use my
>> car since
>> he couldnt fit equipment in his trunk this weekend.
>> Then, while driving, the water temp/level light began to flash. I
>> told him
>> the fuel guage was flaky previously and not to worry about it so
>> long as the
>> trip odo didnt near 300. .. I guess he took that as ignore all
>> warning lamps
>> and press on..
>> Well.. he drove it until it was dead. When I went to check it out
>> on the
>> side of the highway, on first crank I knew it was at least the
>> headgasket.
>> Typical no compression whirring sound and rush of thoughts,
>> emotions, etc..
>> I havent got a chance to take her apart yet but I know Im looking at
>> minimum, headgasket, but since she'll be that far apart and likely
>> needed
>> anyway how much do I work the head? what should I use? Im open to
>> suggestions on that.
>> Yes my dad murdered my S-car, F*CK!F__K!FHACK.. Bad too, the
>> reservoir,
>> coolant flange and sensor at the back of the head blew apart.. and
>> even the
>> little half moon part of the valve cover gasket popped out.. WTF!?
>> -Brian
>>> Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2008 16:15:11 -0400
>>> From: djdawson2 at aol.com
>>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] When good Dads go bad (and blow your motor)
>>> To: qweblog at gmail.com, s-car-list at audifans.com
>>> Message-ID: <8CAAE854AFDAC38-938-14F9 at Webmail-mg13.sim.aol.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>> It sounds like it was overheated to an extreme.? That being the
>>> case, you might as well have the head rebuilt.? It is probably
>>> going to have to be milled flat anyway, so taking the time to do a
>>> valve job and replace the guides and seals would just be common
>>> sense.? I only hope it didn't crack.
>>> You'll be putting in the steel headgasket, which is good.? I'd
>>> also consider putting in ARP head studs while doing this job.
>>> Have fun!
>>> Dave
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