[s-cars] What tools for trans and diff drain/fill plugs?

Dave Kase davekase at pdqlocks.com
Tue Jul 8 12:59:53 PDT 2008

Side notes:

I got one of the tools from a guy on Audizine for $20 shipped so keep 
your eyes open for a deal.

As far as stuck plugs, if they are NPT or some other tapered thread, I 
saw a neat trick once.  I had a plug stuck in a BB Chevy head once.  I 
took it to have some porting done to it and I told the guy about the 
stuck plug.  No problem he said.  He put a big punch in the middle of 
the plug and then wailed the sh!t out of it with a 3 pound sledge.  
After a few beatings the plug backed right out.   Before I brought it to 
the shop I spent over an hour on it with tools, chisels and torches.


Mike Fitton wrote:
>  However, the rear diff plugs have been obsoleted and 
> if you get new ones at a dealer, they'll hand you a plug that's 
> triple-square with a security dimple.  

>   Good thing too; I think he spent like $30 on it.   

> My two original diff drain plugs are still seized pending a creative 
> solution.
> -Cheers!
> Mike
> Douglas Landaeta wrote:
>> Just want to make sure I have the right Allen or star/torx available before
>> I climb underneath.
>> Doug
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