[s-cars] Boost Control Screw... how far down should it be??

Lewis Consulting lewisconsulting at sasktel.net
Tue Jul 8 20:13:06 PDT 2008

Hi guys,
Now that my Apikol kit has my car running smoothly again, I am now trying to get my boost back.  I
do have an A'pexi boost actuator that came with the car.  When I first got the car, it really kicked
and whistled... now, almost nothing.  
My question is this:  my boost control screw is quite a ways down ( I can see about 10 threads,
maybe 1/2 an inch down?) .... how far should it be and does turning this make a difference?  I have
no idea if someone has fiddled with this over the years, but not sure I remember it being that deep
in the hole.  
Any advice would be helpful, in the meantime, I will continue to play with the A'pexi ... and I do
have the option of bypassing the A'pexi, or at least there is an "off" selection. 
Boostless in Regina ( or as Mick Jagger said of our city... rhymes with "fun" .....yes they played 2
concerts here last year... whoda thunk it)

Randy 96//S6


Ph.: (306) 536.8778  

Email: lewisconsulting at sasktel.net




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