[s-cars] Fuel injector code

Matt skippertgore at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 07:47:08 PDT 2008

Yes, it sure does!

But that's one reason it occurred to me that it could be at fault. I  
do have one from the group buy.

Thanks for all the help, folks.

So, does anyone know if these cars are capable of generating "false"  

-Matt, CO

On Jul 15, 2008, at 5:46 AM, "Wylie Bean"  
<theringmeister at triad.rr.com> wrote:

> Dave Forgie proclaimed:
> "Bottomline: Always suspect the CPS when something wierd is going  
> on, even if
> you don't get a 2113 code."
> -------
> Poor little CPS.....gets blamed for everything.
> Wylie Bean
> 90 cq
> 91 90q20v
> 92 UrS4
> 01 allroad

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