[s-cars] Out for das Fest/What to see in Germany?

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Wed Jul 16 08:22:02 PDT 2008

Dave //SUCKED:

<<<Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 21:06:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: davekase at pdqlocks.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Out for das Fest/What to see in Germany?

Thanks Gentlemen.

-one castle on hilltop - check...>>>

First of all CHEESEMAN...

FU - you _SUCK_.  What, the threat of parking you against the Port O Pot gotchya spooked???  _PU_SAY_.

That said...

Castle schmastle...  I *cannot* believe you even need to be asking "this" question.  Fahg.  See, is there REALLY any place in DE to go other than...

...the one...

...and only...

If it's a castle you must, well...  der Nordschleife does in fact feature one somewheres around its 13.7mi. circumference.  You can see it when you're burning hotlaps - but at that point...  who cares???


-Paul must Ring again K.

ps. ____FU_____

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