[s-cars] Scan of 1992 Car and Driver on the S4, M5, and 500E

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Tue Jul 22 20:07:35 PDT 2008

I spent a few months in a W124. Hated it. Really quite a different 
experience than a C4 Audi, felt like it was a full generation 
behind ergonomically. Seats were soft and uncomfortable, controls 
vague. I don't know what it is about MBs...people love them. I 
couldn't wait to get out of mine.

So I did.


On Tue Jul 22 20:07:43 CDT 2008, Theodore Chen 
<tedebearp at yahoo.com> wrote:

> http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=3942768
> the S4 finished third in the comparison, but its weaknesses 
> (power, brakes) are fairly easily and cheaply addressed.
> i don't know how they could have liked the 500E's handling, 
> though.  i drove a 500E and an E500 and was not impressed with 
> the handling, and the interior was spartan at best.  terrific 
> power but that's the only reason to own one.  the E34 M5 was a 
> far more enjoyable car.  i nearly bought one but got the UrS4 
> because of AWD and the ease of modifications.
> -teddy
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