[s-cars] Fwd: t-shirts

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Fri Jun 6 10:21:50 PDT 2008

At 01:14 PM 6/6/2008, Wylie Bean wrote:
>Sorry about that last message. Hit send before typing!
>Anyway, as I'll probably order a shirt just because it's a cool 
>design and I NEED more Audi shirts,this might hit as a little 
>hypocritical,  but am I the only one that thinks its a little crappy 
>that this is a "closed" event, yet anyone's allowed to buy a shirt?

You do NEED more Audi shirts. I thought about how much I NEEDed one 
two, but I decided to pass as I don't want to spend all that time 
explaining to people what a UR-Q is.

In either case, I don't want to see anything more about tshirts today 
unless they're WET.


Lee Levitt
Needham, Massachusetts, USA
'01 A4 1.8t quattro avant
''99 A6 quattro avant
'97 A6 quattro avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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