[s-cars] Strange Fuel Pump Behaviour

Joe Pizzimenti joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 08:06:01 PDT 2008

Sounds like a clogged evap canister.

On 6/9/08, Matthew Russell <skippertgore at msn.com> wrote:
> Brian -
> I'm not necessarily convinced that this is a fuel pump problem.
> Try loosening your gas cap next time you notice the noise.  If fumes
> and air escape (which it will) and then the noise is gone, it's a tank
> venting issue.
> My car makes similar noise, i've been ignoring it for a while now
> (>1yr).  not sure of the long-term effects though!
> Matt, CO
> 92s4
> On Jun 9, 2008, at 7:27 AM, Brian wrote:
>> All,
>> Took my '93 S4 out yesterday in 100 degree heat for a cruise.  Car
>> battery had died so the night before I charged it up.  After getting
>> to
>> my destination, I noticed a slight hum/whine from the trunk when I
>> shut
>> it down (lasted about 5 seconds).
>> When I got home after pushing the car hard, the hum/whine would not go
>> away after I shut the car off.  Opened the trunk, put my hand on the
>> top
>> of the fuel pump access plate, and could feel slight vibrations.
>> Pulled
>> fuse number 17, no change.
>> Here's where it gets a bit weird.  Pulled the negative battery cable
>> (I
>> smelled gas fumes and this thing was still whirring) and the STILL
>> felt/heard pump noise.  Finally died out after a couple of minutes.
>> 3/4 full gas tank, 134K miles, no previous trouble.
>> Help!!
>> Brian
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