[s-cars] Preparing for S6 sport wheel swap into S4, have a couple quick questions

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Mon Jun 16 18:16:15 PDT 2008

Young, Steve wrote:
> Chris...
> Yes, there are wires that need to be changed somehow.  Ping Dave Ellis,
> I think he just did this.  I haven't seen a write-up on this, which is
> why I ended up doing the clockspring customization.  It is time
> consuming, but not really that bad.  Good luck.

Someone did a Word doc that I converted to the Knowledgebase.
It was the old one and needs to be converted to the new format.
And the pictures would have to be resurrected (not today, at
least, not by me).

Here's the old write-up (in wiki format):

There's this from the S-cars site:

I found the PDF, which I'll send Chris off-list.

Kent McLean
'99 A4 Avant, w/ quattro, V6, Tiptronic, :)
'91 200 TQA #1, backup car
gone but not forgotten:
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody", now with new owner
'91 200 TQA #2, up in smoke 2
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy", up in smoke

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