[s-cars] Suspension Problems in 94 S4

qshipq at aol.com qshipq at aol.com
Mon Jun 23 06:30:41 PDT 2008


 Assuming the load washer is installed, I'd be chasing subframe mounts - this is a classic symptom - many times misdiagnosed.? Especially if there was ever a pentosin leak.? IME, the DS front is the first to go, then DS rear, then PS rear, PS front.? Best to do them all, and can be done in situ with some creative use of bolts, washers and nuts.? That said, Audi made it pretty easy to pull the subframe with swaybar installed, do the job and resinstall.


Scott J


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Turczyn <mkturczyn at verizon.net>
To: Rob Pecsar <rpecsar at pacbell.net>; Angelo A <airs41994 at hotmail.com>
Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
Sent: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 5:58 am
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Suspension Problems in 94 S4


This has happened to a few S's on the list-- when changing over to new
struts if you forget to install the load washer on top of the shock rod
before you slip it into the camber plate bushing all of the load goes into
the rubber bushing.  Eventually it tears out the bushing and the shock rod
goes through- in some cases into the hood.

Perhaps this is not the root of your particular situation but it is one way
these bushings tear out.

On 6/23/08 12:49 AM, "Rob Pecsar" <rpecsar at pacbell.net> wrote:

> Angelo,
> After installing my suspension setup 4 years, I also had the front
> suspension clunk when I'd go over a pothole, but on the driver side. I
> had ruled out subframe bolts, suspension bolts, etc.
> I didn't find anything, but this weekend that changed. In the engine
> bay, I noticed the driver side shock tower cover was sticking up more
> than the other one. When I removed it, the shock bushing (grommet?) that
> would normally be under the custom camber plate was torn and the shock
> was sticking up an inch or more. I can send you a pic if it would help,
> but check out yours.
> Any BTDT out there?  I am not sure what if anything that I did wrong on
> the install, but would appreciate any word of wisdom...I think I'll have
> to pull the whole strut assembly out again....what were those
> recommended percentage to revalve the front Bilsteins?
> Rob Pecsar
> 95 S6, RS2'd, Eibach, Bilsteins and '92 sway bars and rear subframe
> Angelo A wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I think this topic has been written about many times on this board but I am
>> coming back to it because this is a problem that does not want to go away.
>> Over the last 5 years since lowering the S4 this has always been a
>> problematic area in the car. Especially the passenger side. I get this really
>> weird clunking sound coming from that side of the car. I have taken note that
>> it happens when going over things like potholes and such. If I am going over
>> a bump in the road there is no clunk. It also happens when turning either
>> left or right and hitting a bump or pothole. Now, I have changed the
>> Bilstein's twice and now removed those and put in Konis. The problem is still
>> there. Everything else including bushings, bump stops, blah blah are close to
>> brand new and the car has the Igor solution to the alignment issue.
>> Does anyone have an idea as to what may be causing this problem?
>> AngeloAA
>> 94 S4
>> 83 urq
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