[s-cars] diary of a bmw driver

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Jun 24 12:08:36 PDT 2008

Oscar Meyer'd:

<<<Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 12:05:36 -0500
From: "bill mahoney" <airbil at gmail.com>
Subject: [s-cars]  diary of a bmw driver (what i hope we aren't)

Hey I resemble that !

(motorsport flags courtesy krasuskygofastideas.com)

Bill~also P car man and soon to be CF Ducatiboy~M


Hey I'm good for 'sumptin'...


So I see you proceeded with the forged wheel purchase - ha!  Nutcase.  Don't see the Vaders in there yet tho.  What gives?


What's this Duke talk!?!?!?  WhatwhatWHAT???  BwHA!  Poor Allison... poorpoor Allison.  Monster?  Can't be... not red enough.

-Paul promises my 'latest' is just an ahem 'tad' er louder than Baloney Flags or Duc's K.

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