[s-cars] NAC - Can Anyone Run a VIN for Me?

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 18:41:10 PDT 2008

Did you ever see that South Park episode with the Prius?

Prius drivers are assholes. I guess if you're buying a Prius, you're an
asshole too. :-)

Otherwise, you're buying into the whole hybrid BS.

What are you going to do when that thing breaks down? At least with the
Jetta, I'll have no problem finding a mechanic that can fix it.

A few years down the road, when the Prius have gotten old, I wonder how much
it will cost to keep them on the road.

I forgot to mention- the Prius is fugly. Not that the Jetta is a
great-looking car (it's not), but the Prius is [barf].


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