[s-cars] x-Plug weeping woes

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Thu Jun 26 15:19:58 PDT 2008

If memory serves (unlikely), replacing the X-plug calls for wetting  
the new o-ring with green gold, then being o-so-careful to not cut or  
nick it on the threads as you install it, nor twist and eventually rip  
it as you tighten it.

I had to do mine twice in short order, because I nicked the new o-ring  
pretty badly the first time I installed it. And I thought I was being  
careful. Just not nearly careful enough.

-Ian Duff.

On 26 Jun, 2008, at 12:49, Nathan Belo wrote:

> I'm going through my 3rd X-plug on my steering pump in 3 months.  I
> tried using a different o-ring yesterday & it lasted about 1 mile &
> ruptured.  I put my 3rd new  x-plug on immediately & it stopped  
> weeping
> for 5 miles but now it's a slow weep.  I oiled the o-ring prior to
> install too.  Pentosin is expensive & the engine bay is splattered  
> with
> the green spew & it doesn't smell good.  Do I have to buy a new  
> steering
> pump or get it machined to accept a gasket or some special o-ring out
> there for high pressure?  HELP!
> '92 Pearl/Ecru //S4 206K miles, IA III+, CGR 6-spd, 2B BR
> Nathan Belo
> Seattle
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