[s-cars] FA question

mike mikemk40 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 17 20:26:16 PDT 2008

--- Brett Dikeman <quattro at frank.mercea.net> wrote:

> On Mar 17, 2008, at 9:17 PM, mike wrote:
> > If I need some help I post to the most appropriate
> > list, if it’s a B5 S4 specific question it goes to
> > biturbos. In this case because it was a general FA
> > type question (and urgent) it went to all four. If
> > this has offended you I’m sorry
> While Bruce was less than kind about it, you did go
> overboard on  
> crossposting.
> The way it's supposed to work: general questions go
> on the main list,  
> and questions of a more arcane nature applicable to
> a model which has  
> a sublist, goes there.
> Brett

Knuckles well and truly rapped

..The thinking was it
was a general question that spans all the lists and I
want to know and I need to know NOW so everyone gets

Interestingly the helpful answers came from people on
the 20V list, are there more of them? Are they just
naturally more helpful? Or are they just more
practiced with the FA than anyone else?

All points noted & I’ll try and control my impatience
better in future.

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