[s-cars] Snow tire shopping, blizzak vs Nokian vs? thoughts?

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 14:36:26 PST 2008

I had a set of Continental Vikings (still on the S, but she's parked for the
winter this year) and they were okay, although I arrogantly got stuck with
them trying to plow through 8" of fresh snow up a 15% grade. There I at
least partially blame EDL, when I had the 200 with the rear locker, I NEVER
got stuck. Since I do a lot of highway miles, I had Nokian RSi's on the
Saabaru, and they were pretty good (I plowed through 10" of fresh but broken
up snow up hill and dale for 9 miles) throughout their treadlife, but only
made 2 seasons or 20K miles before they hit the winter wear bars. Never had
Hakka's (it's the highway thing, I just don't think Hakka's will last doing
that frequently, and the studs would eventually annoy me).



On 11/16/08, chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Gents,
> I've owned Bridgestone Blizzaks ~8 years ago, which gave good traction
> but the traction reduced significantly with wear. Last set was the
> Nokian Hakkas which I felt gave better traction but this set is being
> replaced because they got flat spotted while on a car that was parked
> for ~3 months.
> Any other flavor of snow tire anyone would recommend?
> Chris
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