[s-cars] LAC: Bond, James Bond - JNR - List Snore

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Thu Nov 20 08:36:21 PST 2008

Taka remembered:

 <<<From: Taka Mizutani [mailto:t44tqtro at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 9:25 AM
To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] LAC: Bond, James Bond - JNR

I forgot to post this-
F you, F you, F you!!!!!!

Lucky *(&(#(*&!!!!

That's one of the very few cars that I'd ditch the vette for- V12 Aston or GT3 Porsche.

Taka >>>

Ah, I'm ____FEELING the LOVE____!  AHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh!!  Thanks!

Funny, I wasn't sure if the post hit the List as it's been frickin crickets out here lately.  First I'd sent it from my .sfest acct and it never hit, then from my work acct. Monday but I got the Digests and nothing showed, so I sent it again.  I then see on the archives it made it the last 2x tho, weird.

Also funny, I got the *exact* same reply as yours from Paul Dooley this a.m.  Love it.  I know, I know, I suck - not as bad as the people tho that actually OWN all these junkers I get to whirl certainly! 8-).

But other than you 2 and Mark Turczyn taking a Hubble break to tell me a local shop had one in for a $10k headlight replacement(!!!), guess no one really cares.  Shame, I really enjoy writing of my stories and sharing my experiences with ya'll (Meyersism), this List really USED to have a lot of fun dialogue.  This and AWD2 are downright TOAST DRY lately, I'm not the only one to notice either.  Guess it's the tough times out there sucking out people's 'fun' factor maybe.

I digress.
Anywho...  further I suck, I just hit reply to an email coordinating a hangout Sat. night with the GT3RS and the DBS (they're brothers) and the GT2 and my 930.  Shenanigans!  But the DBS unfort. has a conflict, least the other 3 of us will hopefully rendezvous.  Was hoping for a DBS dry run, will have to wait, hope the weather keeps holding off.  But the 3x P Debauchery should be ahem 'entertaining'...

Stay looneytooned...  oh, and...  I finally got inspired and created a blog, beware it's launch in the coming daze heh heh...


ps.  in creating me blog I surfed alllll the archives and relived many a post - dayum - some f'n *HILARITY* we've had here over the manymany years together.  Miss that.  There's been NONE of that here - and I can pinpoint it - for all of 2008, ended mid 2007 actually.  WTF????  Did reinforce, tho - what great friends I've made here!

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