[s-cars] LAC: Paulland, Paullywood
jpburns3 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 21 15:15:10 PST 2008
Write on Paulie! I can now forward this link on to friends and family
who have heard me telling them about this mad fool on some car list
that spouts from the mouth what only a gearhead can interpret and
truly appreciate.
Fking awesome dude.
On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 10:49 AM, <pkrasusky at ups.com> wrote:
> Well folks, I'm using youseses all here as my Beta viewers. Welcome to Paulland, Paullywood - You Have Arrived:
> http://randomstupidity.tumblr.com/
> Have a (longlonglong) read when yer bored. Hey there's plenty 'o Audi content in there 8-). Some reason a coupla pics red x on me, has something to do with losing part of the ".jpg" as they're imported into Picasa - which makes nooooooo sense as they view on Picasa fine like that. I need an IT whiz to assist eventually.
> Man, looking back over all that and the past 6-7yrs - wow - whole lotta fun debauchery shenanigans we've had! Here's to many more, butofcourse.
> I'm getting ready to hit "send" on my email to Les Bidrawn - wish me luck heh heh.
> Thanks for all of your feedback, support, encouragement, and instigation - I really do appreciate it! My writing would be *nothing* sans yer audience! Let me know what ya tink of it...
> -Paul
> ps. "You Have Arrived" - coined paying proper homage to all me Hurtz's equipped with NeverLost - that's their tagline as you reach your destination... fitting I think 8-)
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