[s-cars] cam sprocket torque?

Jerry Scott jerryscott at wispertel.net
Tue Nov 25 09:00:29 PST 2008

Thanks Mike for the information.  To break it loose, I put the car in 2nd 
gear, set the e-brake and used a breaker bar and socket.  If you have a 
better way to hold the gear for tightening, I would be interested in hearing 
how you did it.  I don't like the stress that this puts on the belt.  Did 
you use Locktite on the threads?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Wakefield" <S4Quattro at comcast.net>
To: "Jerry Scott" <jerryscott at wispertel.net>
Cc: "s-car list" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] cam sprocket torque?

> Jerry,
> The torque spec is 48 lb ft. If you don't have a good way to hold the
> cam pulley while you torque, let me know and I will send pics of a
> very simple tool I made to do the job.
> Mike
> On {November25}, at 12:14 AM, Jerry Scott wrote:
>> I am in the process of changing the Cam Position Sensor in my 93
>> S4.  Can someone tell me the tightening torque for the cam sprocket
>> center bolt?  Thanks in advance.
>> Jerry
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