[s-cars] Open call for info: Audi TDI, B5 chassis

David Forgie forgied at shaw.ca
Sat Nov 29 09:16:29 PST 2008

Matt:  Hate to disappoint but AFAIK Audi has NOT important any diesels to Canada in recent
 years.  Especially a B5.  Nada.  No V6 tdi for sure, not even in a Passat (closest cousin).  However
 we did get Golf and Jetta 1.9L tdi's.  We are now getting the new Jetta wagon as a tdi.  Which I 
might consider as a daily driver if the back end didn't look like a Saab.  (As opposed to the sedan
 which looks like a Corolla from the rear).

Tut mir leid.

Dave F. 

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