[s-cars] NAC Tues. randomness - BMW Tit Event:

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Thu Oct 2 05:23:37 PDT 2008

Thanks Mikey.

Agreed on the color - and the not kicking it out bit 8-).

BTW, JNR link apparently not worky?  Fixed:  http://picasaweb.google.com/pkrasusky/BMWTitEvent93008#


ps.  what'd you get done @ Tony's - kiss 'n tell bish...

From: Michael Lardizabal [mailto:mikellardizabal at yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2008 8:23 AM
To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
Subject: Re: [s-cars] NAC Tues. randomness - BMW Tit Event:

Nice review PK ~

I actually saw the white B7 yesterday on my way to EPL.

Looks too big in white IMO, but I wouldn't kick it out of my garage  .

--- On Tue, 9/30/08, pkrasusky at ups.com <pkrasusky at ups.com> wrote:
From: pkrasusky at ups.com <pkrasusky at ups.com>
Subject: [s-cars] NAC Tues. randomness - BMW Tit Event:
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Cc: user109411 at aol.com, bleger at ups.com, nedavis at ups.com, Roger.Krasusky at pw.utc.com
Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 3:03 PM

Nipples are rising, while Buttocks remain firm.

Just returned from like my 12th annual BMW Boobie Event (OK it's Susan B.
Koman Breast Cancer gig), one of the better I've attended esp. in recent
years.  Mebbe had something to do with the fact that about EIGHT of us bore down
on the place at once - muwha!


Guaranteed, Grasshopper.

Maiden voyage in the X6 - an all around likeable rig really.  Decent paddle
shifters.  Obvious DSP delete button (ohsoimportant).  7k upshifts (or not? -
just cruise @ 6,999 in 3rd @ WOT trip digits, I say).  I pull over out of the
lot to await 2 guys I work with to catch up, 135i Cab and 650cI coupe.  Fighter
pilot bomb run up der interstate - JNR.  Not too eye catching I bet, 3 white
streaks with writing on them.  Boy does that 135i RIP!  And SOUND so doing SUCH
going by WOT - whoo hooo.  And der 650cI sounds like a '69 Impala SS or
something.  Somehow all three of us are ripping along... with our apparent
Floridian Retiree blinkers flashing away - stooooooooopid tech for tech sake BMW
has spread those infernal electro blinker controls across the model line -

We manage to go er 'off piste' and find some Secret Paul Proving Ground
for some three by three synchronized donuts, ballet style.  X6 makes for some
good right wheels off curb jumping rock tossing grass burning dust hazing...

Return back 'nothing to see here' style, hop right into der Alpina B7.
Yes, one of the 200 made - at a buckfifteen apiece.  500hp out of 4.4L...
supercharged who knew???  516tq oh yes...  friggin _FREIGHT_TRAIN_ this thing is
- whooaaaa nelly!  Niftiest of der nifty "paddle" shifters I've
yet seen - nice coddleable little nipples on the back edges of the wheel, like
yer doin it doggy and givin it the pinchypinchy reach around - uhhh...  or
something.  Blue wheel stitching up top, green on bottom, blue "-" on
left thumb blue "+" on right, both outlined in green stitching -
neato.  Blue cluster, "Alpina" script in lower corner.


Shame tho, electronannyisms pretty much ruin any off the line shenanigans in
her - brake stands are quickly throttle-cut (LAME!), and DSP is buried somewhere
in like Southeastern Zimbabwe... or iDrive... or something.  Dammit - really
prevents ANY good launch.  But giddeup does she come online and ***GO*** once
things are hooked up locked on and tracking!  Yeah!

I hear Baloney's buying one to remedy his dented hood?

Return back again 'nothing to see here style' (after returning for yes
more donuts... albeit undoable DSP donuts), time for 135i Cab.  Two words:
POCKET (f'n) ROCKET that thing is!  Fun in a box!  Top down WOT wailing
goodness - what a note that thing puts out - and what output that thing puts
DOWN.  Point squirt shoot to 7k upshifts.  Turn in - oh the turn in.  This thing
is a drifters' paradise - the entire nose tucks down and IN, then step the
back out and hoooooooold oooooooooon!  Teee heeeeee!  You could start you drift
in New England I'd bet and terminate it somewhere Mid Atlantic, yep.

ANYwho... it's Tuesday, and, beyond 'this' that's all I've
got - JNR butofcourse.  NAC, sure.  Fun?  Even more sure.



-Paul nothing to see here K.

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