[s-cars] Coil solutions

Erik Addy erikaddy at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 17 15:08:01 PDT 2008

I was going to due some testing of my current ignition system with a spark tester, however upon removing the coil cover I noticed that the existing wiring harness had some cracking in the insulation to the point where I can see some copper wire in spots.

Thinking that it doesn't make sense to test the coils if I know the wiring is bad, I think I have three options:

1)  Get a new wire harness from the dealer (if available, probably not cheap).  Then hope that the other components work and if not get used replacement parts.  Probably not a cost-effective solution.

2)  Do the 1.8T conversion (I would just order the Apikol kit)

3)  Live with it as is for a little bit and wait for a GM-based coil kit, hoping for more reliability and perhaps better performance than the 1.8T coils.

I emailed Apikol and was told that they are NOT working on a GM-based system.  I thought I read on the list that they were?  Is someone else looking at offering a complete solution (pre-made harness/wires)?  I suppose I could do it myself...



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