[s-cars] Coil Solutions

Erik Addy erikaddy at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 20 12:09:10 PDT 2008

Thanks for all the input guys.  First off, don't worry, I taped up the visible cracks as soon as I saw them.

I still want to test my system with the spark tester... I suppose I have to have the other coils (the one I am not testing) grounded, eh?  What is the best way to do that?  Actually, what is the best way to connect the tester?  I suppose I need one vw/audi spark plug wire.  Or will any Euro wire work?  Can I get one wire at a FLAPS?

Long term solution... feeling poor right now, so I don't want to purchase the 1.8 kit quite yet.  So, I might just replace the wire on my current coils and see how they test and replace any bad components with used.  PS- Kingsborne has a coil replacement for $105 with the boot (the also sell the boots alone for $5).
Perhaps by the spring the GM solution will be more thoroughly tested!

I suppose I should replace the boots too.  Looking at the records they were installed a few years ago and 90k miles ago, and some seem to have been soaked in a bit of oil (valve cover gasket was recently replaced).


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