[s-cars] Outside mirror glass GB

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Wed Apr 1 21:16:39 PDT 2009

The problem is there are at least 3 different mirror glass  
combinations on the C4 body cars, so you can't
go on that alone.  And, when you get to aftermarket suppliers in  
europe, in addition to the normal errors
we find in parts listings, they are supplying a different line-up of  
models than the North American versions.
I think there was a change in the A4 fitment after the 98 model year,  
but this catalog continues the part to
2000 european models.

Do all D2 A8/S8 cars have the same outside mirrors or use the same  
glass?  Do they have auto dimming?
Even when we know this, are european models equipped the same?  We  
haven't had any German
companies supplying aftermarket Audi mirror glass-just entire  
mirrors.  In-Pro just makes all those
chrome or aluminum cases-never the glass, so there is no experience  
base to look at.

The only reason we know the A4 mirror fits the S6 is because Igor  
Kessel bought the glass for his A4
and compared it to his S6 glass.  I think the FA will do some of that  
now so perhaps that can help.

We will have to proceed deliberately with expanding the field because  
no one wants a part that doesn't
fit,and we don't want that in any GB.  We will be asking the european  
part guru for some help on this.


On Apr 1, 2009, at 11:06 PM, Taka Mizutani wrote:

> Frank-
> You'll have to double-check, but I'm pretty sure that the D2 uses  
> the same glass as the C4, C5 and B5.
> Taka
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Frank Stadmeyer <stadmef at gmail.com>  
> wrote:
> Tom,
> If you can find a set that fit the D2 A8/S8, (mine's an '01S8), I'm in
> and we might be able to pick up a few more buyers from that group.
> Frank
> On Apr 1, 2009, at 12:09 PM, Tom Green wrote:
> >>
> > I should make it clear that this mirror set is a replacement for the
> > european
> > glass.  The drivers side has the aspherical (convex) strip on the
> > outer edge
> > to extend visual field.  The small passenger mirror is all convex  
> like
> > the US
> > version but without the DOT message.  They have the european blue
> > tint.
> >
> > This is the company that makes them.  It is item 6455500.  I have a
> > set in
> > hand and they look and work like the OEM.  This is an attempt to  
> match
> > that purchase on a larger scale.
> >
> > http://www.alkar.es/english/empresa_alkarmundo.htm
> >
> >
> > I would expect that we add $1 or  $2 to each for audifans donations
> > for the
> > extra bandwidth we use.  Drop me a note directly and I will post
> > interest in
> > two weeks.
> >
> > Tom
> >
> >> -----my original message-----
> >> Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 10:35:41 -0400
> >> From: Tom Green <trgreen at comcast.net>
> >> Subject: [s-cars]  Outside mirror glass
> >> To: Scarlist <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> >> Message-ID: <F2BF25C5-C4E5-4D19-A54D-86E8813B8824 at comcast.net>
> >> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed;  
> delsp=yes
> >>
> >> Has anyone else priced the small passenger mirror glass  
> recently?  I
> >> choked when I saw genuinevwaudiparts with a list price of $132.97,
> >> your price $95.74.  The drivers side seems to have
> >> kept it's price in the believable range $61.49.
> >>
> >> Anyone interested in a group buy of outside mirror glass.  There is
> >> an
> >> aftermarket supplier in europe that has reasonable prices-about  
> $75 a
> >> set for the european style blue tint with the
> >> aspherical strip on the drivers outside edge, heated also, OEM fit.
> >>
> >> Tom
> >
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