[s-cars] Go.No go. and; go.

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Thu Apr 9 09:32:12 PDT 2009

 From underneath? Nah, I'm guessing Baloney will follow the  
proctological practice, and do it through the tailpipe.
-Dr. Feelgood.

On 09 Apr, 2009, at 12:23, Tom Green wrote:

> Nice comprehensive advice, Brett, and more words than we have heard
> from you in 12 months.  : > )
> However, the entire list is going to disagree with your advice, and
> Baloney has already said he isn't going to follow it.
> Why?  Simply because everyone wants Baloney to change his fuel pump,
> especially since he filled the tank, and report the event proceedings
> to the
> list.  He is almost certain to do it at least twice and have a most
> entertaining
> report.  If there is a way to do it from underneath the car, it will
> be done that
> way.
> Tom
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 09:17:35 -0400
>> From: Brett Dikeman <brett.dikeman at gmail.com>
>> -----
>> Murphy's law is that it will be the pump if I say this, but- there  
>> are
>> a number of other things you need to be checking out before you  
>> commit
>> to a major job like replacing the fuel pump.
>> -------
>> Brett
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